I [Liberty within Dominion Status] |
p. 133 |
II [Restoration of self-government to Volterra] |
p. 134 |
III [Desire for the Restoration of the ancient Friendship with Lucca] |
p. 135 |
IV [Protection of the State of the Church] |
p. 135 |
V [Sforza relieved of Service to the Duke of Milan] |
p. 136 |
VI [Financial Relations with Sforza and Respect for the States of the Church] |
p. 137 |
VII [Support for the Spiritual and Temporal Power of the Pope and Offer of Asylum in Florentine Territory] |
p. 138 |
VIII [Sforza appointed Marquess of the March of Ancona] |
p. 139 |
IX [Piccinino’s gambit] |
p. 141 |
X [The Pope’s Ambition to Recover Bologna in 1434] |
p. 142 |
XI [Sforza’s Contract (Condotta) with the League of Florence and Venice, 1436] |
p. 142 |
XII [Florentine Faith in Sforza] |
p. 144 |
XIII [Florence, Sforza and the Count of Poppi] |
p. 144 |
XIV [Peace Terms acceptable because they include Restoration of the States of the Church] |
p. 145 |
XV [Peace Terms based on Mutual Respect for Territorial Integrity] |
p. 145 |
XVI [Alarm over Genoa’s Truce with Milan] |
p. 146 |
XVII [Florentine Congratulations to the Doge of Genoa on the Restoration of Liberty] |
p. 147 |
XVIII [Sforza and the Risk of Genoese Reconciliation with Milan] |
p. 149 |
XIX [The triple Alliance and Hopes for Liberty and Peace] |
p. 150 |
XX [The Duke of Milan accused of aiming to extend his Dominions] |
p. 150 |
XXI [The Renewal of Sforza’s Condotta and his Conflict with the Pope] |
p. 151 |
XXII [Sforza withdraws his Army from the Vicinity of papal Bologna] |
p. 152 |
XXIII [Sforza’s Evidence of a papal Plot against him] |
p. 153 |
XXIV [Revelation of secret Papal Documents and the Effect on Renewal of Sforza’s Condotta] |
p. 154 |
XXV [Milanese envoys visiting Sforza] |
p. 155 |
XXVI [The Prospect of inheriting Milan dangled before Sforza] |
p. 156 |
XXVII [Florentine Support for the Pope’s Diplomatic Efforts on Behalf of Peace] |
p. 158 |
XXVIII [Milan accused of a Breach of the Peace] |
p. 159 |
XXIX [Venice accused of Failure to come to the Support of her Ally] |
p. 160 |
XXX [Florence rejects the Luccan Request to participate in the Negotiations for Peace] |
p. 161 |
XXXI [Florence agrees to let Sforza go to the Assistance of Venice] |
p. 162 |
XXXII [Venice proposes a Change in the Conditions of Sforza’s Employment] |
p. 163 |
XXXIII [Florence rejects the Proposal citing the Dependence of Florence on Sforza] |
p. 163 |
XXXIV [Venice rejects the Warning of Cosimo de’ Medici that Sforza might Abandon the League] |
p. 166 |
XXXV [Venice denies Opposition to Florentine Acquisition of Lucca] |
p. 166 |
XXXVI [Florence notifies her Allies of her Abandonment of the War against Lucca] |
p. 166 |
XXXVII [The Venetian Response] |
p. 167 |
XXXVIII [The Pursuit of a general Peace favored by Florence] |
p. 168 |
XXXIX [A Florentine Appeal to the Luccans to return to ancient Friendship] |
p. 169 |
XL [Threatened by Piccinino, the Venetians seek the Reengagement of Sforza] |
p. 170 |
XLI [Venetian War Aims] |
p. 171 |
XLII [Piccinino’s Threat to Brescia and a Desire for Florentine Assistance] |
p. 174 |
XLIII [Venetian Efforts to regain the Services of Francesco Sforza] |
p. 175 |
XLIV [Secret Negotiations with the Florentine Council of Ten regarding the Reemployment of Sforza] |
p. 176 |
XLV [The vital Interests of the Papal States, of Venice, of the League, and of all Italy require Sforza’s Return to Service] |
p. 177 |
XLVI [Sforza’s Condotta of 19 February 1439] |
p. 179 |
XLVII [Sforza summoned to save Brescia and the Venetian State] |
p. 180 |